Custom Fencing Services · Sheep Genetics · Livestock Nutrition · Youngstown, Alberta, Canada: 403-779-2662
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Crystal Creek® Livestock Nutrition
& Profitability Workshop

Tuesday, 12th November 2013 at the Hard Grass Hub, Pollockville, Alberta
12:30 pm Afternoon Workshop · 6:30pm Dinner

John and Kelsey Beasley are cordially inviting you to join us for an innovative afternoon to expand your knowledge of livestock nutrition, health and herd management topics, followed by a roast beef dinner at the Hard Grass Hub, Pollockville, Alberta.

Crystal CreekWho We Are John and Kelsey Beasley from Integrity Ranching are pleased to introduce Dan Leiterman, CEO/President of Crystal Creek Inc., and his son, Dr. Ryan Leiterman DVM from Crystal Creek® for their first Western Canadian Producer Workshop.

Crystal Creek® is a family owned business that has been serving the farming and dairy community for over 15 years. Crystal Creek® Dairy Nutritionists are helping producers reach their herd health and net profit goals in a more sustainable manner. For more information on Dan, Ryan and Crystal Creek, visit

What We Are Doing Integrity Ranching and Crystal Creek® Livestock Nutrition

Integrity Ranching utilizes the Crystal Creek® Nutrition Model and Provides Crystal Creek Products and Services in Canada. The Crystal Creek® Nutrition Model represents both a return to sound fundamentals of ruminant nutrition, as well as the integration of key targeted products to support optimum rumen function in a modern day dairy operation. Knowingly, this model and fundamentals of livestock nutrition can be utilized in cattle, sheep, horses, pigs and poultry.

For more information on our work, visit Crystal Creek Nutrition.

Date & Location
12th November 2013 at the Hard Grass Hub, Pollockville, Alberta
12:30 pm Afternoon Workshop · 6:30pm Dinner

The Day's Events
The workshop will include the following topics:

  • Animal Requirements and the Importance of Balancing Rations
  • Improving the Digestive Function of our Cattle on our Grasslands
  • Interpreting the Value of a Livestock Mineral
  • How the Crystal Creek Livestock Nutrition Model Improves Your Bottom Line
    (herd response, increased weaned calf per cow ratio, improved cost of gain, reduced cost of production)
  • Improving Immune Function and Immune Response to Stress
    (fall respiratory disease, weaning, vaccination protocols, moving animals, performance animals)
  • Unlocking the Mystery of Inoculants for Baled Hay and Silage
    (placing a strong emphasis on feed quality and preservation)
  • Understanding Molds & Mycotoxins in Different Feeds
    (adverse effects, risk assessments and alternatives)
  • Understanding Ionophore (Rumensin) Use

For any additional information or questions about this event, please contact Kelsey Beasley by email or call Kelsey at 403 779 2662.
RSVP's appreciated by 5 November 2013

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