Custom Fencing Services · Sheep Genetics · Livestock Nutrition · Youngstown, Alberta, Canada: 403-779-2662
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About Integrity Ranching

Canadian Prairie

Integrity Ranching is located in the East Central Grasslands of Alberta within the dry brown soil zone of the Special Areas. The ranch, set on acres of prairie and tame grassland, is situated north of Bigstone on Blood Indian Creek. Along with the pioneering spirit that developed the rich heritage of this landscape where we have raised our cattle, sheep and families for over three generations, the universal principle of integrity is the inspiration for the name of our ranch — Integrity Ranching.

Historically we have been involved in both purebred and commercial Black Angus cattle, and are currently raising purebred and commercial North Country Cheviot sheep. Adaptable and open minded in our approach to ranching, our goal is to select and produce sustainable Black Angus and North Country sheep genetics that thrive in low input, forage based systems, while earning a premium for the customers that use and purchase them.

Managing for good land stewardship, we try continually to enhance the health and biodiversity of our grassland ecosystems. In doing so, we ensure our business provides a viable livelihood for ourselves and future generations. This is achieved by understanding fundamental principles of rangeland ecology, genetic selection and stockmanship and livestock behaviour, nutrition and ethical business. Innovative ranching involves integrating this knowledge into our daily management practices, optimizing production while maintaining a sustainable agricultural system.

Integrity Ranching Angus cattle

John Beasley and Daughter John and Kelsey Dawn Beasley and Family

Integrity Ranching History

Integrity Ranching is a family based operation originally founded from Patricia, Alberta, and incorporates over 40 years of quality beef and sheep production. In the 1970?s the Beasley ranch expanded from the irrigation district of Patricia and bought the Sandgathe Ranch near Wardlow Alberta. Beasley Ranching Ltd. became a renowned ranching family company as the families within grew the operation. Formally a part of Beasley Ranching Ltd, Bruce and Dulcie Beasley along with their children and their spouses, Lane and Jean Lucas, and John and Kelsey Dawn Beasley, operated together from 2010 under Deer River Ranching until 2012.

John Beasley grew up on an extensive family beef operation that encompassed 500pb cows, 2500 commercial cows, and two small feedlots. He spent 2002 to 2009 in Manitoba managing an expansion of the family operation converting a grain operation and running 900 commercial cows, back-grounding calves and grassing the yearlings. After seventeen years officially working for his family, and a lifetime of devotion to the land, animals and family business he was once part of, John and his wife Kelsey and their small children are no longer affiliated with that operation. Purchasing their first Cheviots to train stock dogs, John and Kelsey soon recognized the opportunity in a diversity of livestock, steadily growing and learning. Currently they market the lambs through TK Ranch.

In order to meet cash flow requirements, we offer nutrition services in Canada with products that enhance the profitability of producers while addressing and preventing issues in organic, dairy, beef, small ruminants and equine livestock. We also distribute ranch supplies, electric fence products and services as well as custom fencing.

John and Kelsey Beasley continually strive to keep ranching in a profitable and ethical manner, optimizing production while maintaining an ecological balance among the prairie communities of Bigstone and Youngstown, Alberta. It is here they are raising their children Hannah, Jasper and Clara and operating as Integrity Ranching.

John and Kelsey's story by Farm On

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